Name of the Students:
Achievement: Best Poster
Organized By: Rashtriya Kala Manch Goraksh Prant (Uttar Pradesh)
Congratulations Cadet Vikas Rathaur, B.Tech(ME), 2nd year of IMU-Mumbai Port Campus and Cadet Pooja Samant, B.Tech (ME), 1st year of IMU-Kolkata Campus for the award of the Best Poster in Online National Poster Making Competition. IMU appreciates their excellent performance
Name of the Students:
Achievement: Cadet Sarthaki Bhadra and Cadet Prateek Rana presented their paper on the topic "Challenges of Autonomous Ships".
Cadet Anirban Bhattacharjee, Cadet Saideep Dutta and Cadet Nishant Neeraj Gade presented their paper on the topic "Overview of Implementation of drones in Maritime Industry".
Organized By: Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology
Name of the Students: Cadet Kartik Keshari
Achievement: National Winner
Organized By: Sthaapna Youth Organization
Congratulations to Cadet Kartik Keshari, 3rd Year B.Tech (ME) cadet of Kolkata Campus for his achievement.
Name of the Students: Cadet Kartik Keshari
Achievement: National Winner
Organized By: Sthaapna Youth Organization
Congratulations to Cadet Kartik Keshari, 3rd Year B.Tech (ME) cadet of Kolkata Campus for his achievement.