
20 May 2023

Director, DMS, DRDO addresses Students of SNAOE at IMU Visakhapatnam

Dr. Manu Korulla, Director, Directorate of Management Services, DRDO, formerly Scientist G and Director Technology, NSTL, DRDO interacted with the students of SNAOE on 20th May 2023. He deliberated on the qualities of a Naval Architect in the true spirit. His address was followed by thought provoking interactions with students. Dr. Korulla was accompanied by Dr. Bharadwaja Srinivasa Ayyangar. Scientist F, NSTL, DRDO and Shri. Ali Sagar Calcuttawala, Co-founder. Saif Seas. An eminent DRDO scientist, a distinguished panel member of the Naval Research Board and a fine Naval Architect, Dr. Ayyangar encouraged the students to become members in the Institution of Naval Architects (INA), visakhapatnam Chapter. He also brought to light the benefits of INA membership. Shri. Ali Sagar Calcuttawala is well known for his self propelled vessel models. He demonstrated the working of a self-propelled trimaran life buoy model to the students.