IMU Act, Statutes & Ordinances

IMU Act, Statutes & Ordinances

Compendium of IMU’s Act, Statutes, Ordinance and Regulations

IMU (Act, Statute, Ordinance & Regulation)

  • This compendium contains IMUs Act & First Statutes framed by the Parliament on 14.11.2008.
  • Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations framed by the Executive Council.
  • The ordinances in this compendium have been segregated for easy reading.


IMU Act 2008 (No.22 of 2008 dated 11th November 2008)

IMU Statutes

Statutes of the IMU as on 14.11.2008

Statutes of the IMU Updated as on 12.03.2024

IMU Ordinance

Gazette No.218 published on 12th March 2024

  • 1. Statute 16 (1) (k) - Membership, Constitution, Quorum and Tenure of the Planning Board.
  • 2. Regulation 01 of 2024 - Regulation for the conduct of Planning Board Meeting.

Gazette No.511 published on 21st July 2023

  • 1. Ordinance No 1 of 2023 - Ph.D Ordinance -Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of Ph.D. Degree
  • 2. Ordinance No 2 of 2023 - M.S (By Research) Ordinance - Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of M.S (By Research) Programme

Gazette No.226 published on 6th April 2023

  • 1. Statute 7 (1) - Dean of Schools of Studies
  • 2. Ordinance No 02 of 2020 dated 21.06.2021 - Constitution of Examination Review Committee (for all programmes of each school).
  • 3. Ordinance No 04 of 2019 dated 30.09.2019 - Modification of the Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) Format of the Group-C employees of IMU

Gazette No.312 published on 21st June 2022

  • 1. Ordinance 01 of 2022 - Ordinance prescribing Fees and Remuneration for Examinations, Convocation and various other purposes.
  • 2. Ordinance 02 of 2022 - Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Professor (Marine Engineering) in the School of Marine Engineering and Technology.
  • 3. Ordinance 03 of 2022 - Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Professor (Nautical Science) in the School of Nautical Studies.
  • 4. Ordinance 04 of 2022 - Ordinance prescribing the requirements and procedures to seek affiliation with IMU.

Gazette No.254 published on 21st June 2021

  • Ordinance 06 of 2017 - Bio Metric Attendance System.
  • Ordinance 01 of 2020 - Minimum Eligibility Criteria for admissions to the various programmes in IMU.
  • Ordinance 02 of 2020 - Evaluation Process, procedure for Re-evaluation, Re-Totalling, Issue of Photocopy of Answer Scripts, Examination Committee and Review of Answer Scripts.
  • Ordinance 03 of 2020 - Affiliation Fees.
  • Ordinance 04 of 2020 - Fees and Remunerations for Examinations, Convocation and various other purposes.
  • Ordinance 05 of 2020 - Recruitment Rules for the post of Registrar.
  • Ordinance 06 of 2020 - Recruitment Rules for the post of FO.
  • Ordinance 07 of 2020 - Recruitment Rules for the post of COE.

Gazette No.101 published on 05th March 2020

  • 1. Statute 48 - Statute 48 (Training Division).
  • 2. Ordinance 33 of 2018 - Ordinance prescribing Composition of Board of Research Studies, its Functions, and Regulations for Conduct of its meetings (Under Statute 19)
  • 3. Ordinance 1 of 2020 - Ordinance for Establishing the Centre for Training & Continuing Education (CTCE).
  • 4. Ordinance 2 of 2020 - Ordinance on performance based reward for students of IMU Campuses.

Gazette No.403 published on 18th November 2019

  • 1. Ordinance 07 of 2019 - Recruitment Rules for the post of Campus Director.
  • 2. Ordinance 08 of 2019 - Ordinance prescribing the duties of the Head of Department.
  • 3. Ordinance 30 of 2018 - Ordinance prescribing the Ph.D Regulations.

Gazette No.345 published on 30th September 2019

  • 1. Ordinance 30 of 2018 - The Ph.D Regulations.
  • 2. Ordinance 31 of 2018 - Regulations for M.S (By Research) Programme.
  • 3. Ordinance 01 of 2019 - The Roles, Duties, and Responsibilities of the various Personnel responsible for conduct of the University Examination.
  • 4. Ordinance 02 of 2019 - Evaluation Process and procedure for Revaluation, Re-Totalling and Issue of Photocopy of Answer Scripts for IMU’s Programmes.
  • 5. Ordinance 03 of 2019 - Qualification for Faculty and Principal of Affiliated Institutes.
  • 6. Ordinance 04 of 2019 - Mode of Performance Appraisal for Campus Directors, Officers and Non-teaching Staff of IMU Headquarters and Campuses.
  • 7. Ordinance 05 of 2019 - Recruitment Rules for the post of Pro – Vice Chancellor.
  • 8. Ordinance 6 of 2019 - Attendance Requirement for Students to appear in University Examinations and Norms for regulating Break in Studies.
  • 9. Statute 2(4), Statute 4(2), Statute 5 A (Controller of Examinations), Statute 6 A - Directors of University – Maintained Campuses.
  • 10. Amended Statute 21(1) - Selection Committees for the various posts.
  • 11. Amended Statute 21(2) - Composition of the Selection Committees for the various posts.

Gazette No.62 published on 13th February 2019

  • 1. Ordinance 28 of 2018 - Ordinance on Lien and Forwarding of Applications.
  • 2. New Clause – 5(iii)(c) in Chapter 2 of the Notification published in Gazette No 38 dated 28.01.2010 - Leave Admissible to Permanent Teachers.
  • 3. Ordinance 29 of 2018 - Ordinance on Establishment of Maritime Consultancy and Research Council.
  • 4. Ordinance 30 of 2018 - Ordinance prescribing the Ph.D Regulations.
  • 5. Ordinance 31 of 2018 - Ordinance prescribing Regulations for M.S (By Research) Programme.
  • 6. Ordinance 32 of 2018 - Ordinance prescribing the composition of School Boards, its Functions, and Regulations for Conduct of its meetings.
  • 7. Ordinance 33 of 2018 - Ordinance prescribing Composition of Board of Research Studies, its Functions, and Regulations for Conduct of its meetings [under Statute 19].
  • 8. Statute 14(1)(j) - Composition of the Academic Council.

Gazette No.350 published on 12th September 2018

  • 1. Recruitment Rules for the post of Professor (Economics/ Finance and Accounting) in the School of Maritime Management, Professor (Logistics & Supply Chain Management/ Port & Shipping Management) in the School of Maritime Management Section Officer.
  • 2. Evaluation Process and procedure for Revaluation, Re-Totaling and Issue of Photocopy of Answer Scripts for IMU’s Programmes.
  • 3. The Qualifications required for the Teaching Staff and Principals of Affiliated Institutes.
  • 4. The Model Code of Conduct for the Students of IMU Campuses.
  • 5. The composition of Examination Committee School-wise and their Functions.
  • 6. The Revised Affiliation Fees.
  • 7. The norms for engagement of contract Faculty and contract Staff in the non-Teaching category.
  • 8. The Eligibility Criteria for admissions to various Programmes of IMU.

Gazette No.273 published on 19th July 2018

  • 1. Ordinance relating to School Boards; Performance-based Reward for students of IMU Campuses.
  • 2. RR for the post of Pro-Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Campus Director, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Professor and PS.
  • 3. Attendance Requirement for Students to appear in University Examinations and Norms for regulating Break in Studies.
  • 4. Semester Fees and Penalty payable by the Students of IMU Campuses; Fees and Remunerations for Examinations, Convocation and various other purposes.
  • 5. The Control and Appeal of the Employees of the University.
  • 6. The Procedure to be followed by Selection Committee in making recommendations.
  • 7. The Roles, Duties, and Responsibilities of the various Authorities responsible for conduct of the University Examination; Examination Committee.
  • 8. The Ph.D and M.S (By Research) Regulations; The procedure of Internal; The Affiliation Fees; Schools of Studies and Departments; Board of Research Studies; Composition of Executive Council.

Gazette No.407 published on 13th October 2017

  • 1. Statute 2(4) on Vice Chancellor Appointment
  • 2. Statute 4(2) on Pro Vice Chancellor Appointment
  • 3. Statute 5 A on Controller of Examinations Appointment
  • 4. Statute 6 A on Directors of University-Maintained Campuses Appointment

Gazette No.183 published on 5th May 2017

  • 1. Statute 2(1) on Vice Chancellor Appoiintment
  • 2. Attendance requirement of students
  • 3. Procedure of Internal Assessment of Practical & Theory papers
  • 4. Discipline of students
  • 5. Model Code of Conduct
  • 6. Recruitment Rules for the post of Deputy Librarian, Librarian
  • 7. Biometric Attendance system
  • 8. Regulations for the conduct of meetings of EC, FC, AC

Gazette No.441 published on 2nd December 2016

  • 1. Creation of Board of Research Studies
  • 2. Recruitment Rules for the Post of Registrar, Deputy Registrar
  • 3. Performance based Reward
  • 4. Anti-Plagiarism Policy
  • 5. RR for Asst Professor, Associate Professor (Mechanical Engg)
  • 6. RR for Asst Professor (EE), Associate Professor (EE)
  • 7. RR for Asst Professor (ECE)
  • 8. RR for Asst Professor (Maths)
  • 9. Regulations for the conduct of the meetings of EC

Gazette No.298 published on 20th July 2016

  • 1. Authorities competent to Order Transfers and Postings of Faculty, Officers and other Employees
  • 2. Revaluation, Retotalling, Award of Grace Marks and Issue of Photocopies of Answer Scripts
  • 3. Fees for Examinations, Convocation and various other purposes
  • 4. RR for Asst Professor, Professor in School of Nautical Studies and Marine Engg.
  • 5. RR for Hostel Warden, Library Asst, Assistant, Assistant (Finance), Steno Typist
  • 6. RR for Sr Technicians, Jr Lab Assistants, Instructors
  • 7. Delegation of Financial Powers to the Officers of IMU
  • 8. Composition of School of Allied Studies, BAR
  • 9. Semester Fees and Penalty payable
  • 10. Automatic Disaffiliation of Affiliated Institutes
  • 11. Annual Return to be submitted by Affiliated Institutes
  • 12. Qualification required for the Teaching Staff and Principals of Affiliated Institutes
  • 13. RR for Asst Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in School of NA&OE and Maritime Mgmt.
  • 14. RR for Asst Librarian
  • 15. Performance based Reward for students of IMU Campuses

Gazette No.305 published on 3rd September 2015

  • Guidelines for Admissions by Lateral Entry
  • RR for DFO
  • Authorities Competent to Order Transfers and Posting of Faculty, Officers & Other Employees
  • Composition of School Boards
  • Creation of Board of Research Studies, Naval Studies and Allied Studies Terms & Conditions for acceptance of Endowments
  • Perf. Appraisal for Faculty of IMU Campuses
  • RR for SO, SO(Finance), Senior Asst, Sr Asst(Finance), PS, PA
  • Perf. Appraisal of Campus Directors and Non-Teaching Staff of IMU HQ and Campuses
  • Policy for sending IMU employees on Deputation to other Organisations Revluation, Retotalling of Answer Scripts
  • BAR
  • Attendance Requirement for Students
  • Semester Fees and Penalty payable by students Fees for Exams, Convocation and various other purposes Convocation
  • Automatic Cessation of Membership of Members RR for Asst Prof, Associate Prof & Professor in Nautical Studies and Marine Engg.
  • RR for Campus Director, Exec Engineer, AE, Instructors, Warden, Library Asst, Registrar, COE, DR, AR, AR(F), Asst, Asst (F), Stenotypist

Gazette No.304 published on 3rd September 2015

  • Notification No.40 - RR for JE(Civil) repealed
  • Notification No.43 - RR for JE(Electrical) repealed
  • Notification No. 2 - RR for Pro Vice Chancellor repealed
  • Notification No.20 - RR for Internal Audit Officer repealed
  • Notification No.25 - RR for Junior Assistant repealed

Gazette No.122 published on 9th April 2015

  • Notification No.1 - RR for Vice Chancellor repealed

Gazette No.38 published on 1st February 2010

  • 1. Requirements and procedures to obtain approval from IMU for the conduct of Pre Sea courses
  • for training for service in the Merchant Navy
  • 2. Leave admissible to Permanent Teachers
  • 3. Schedule of Fees for various Examinations and for other various general purposes

Gazette No.76 published on 12th May 2009

  • Academic Matters: School of Studies and Departments / Centres; School Board; Departments; Board of Post Graduate Studies & Under-Graduate Studies Admission of Students; Register of Matriculates; Migration and Transfer of Students; Medium of Instruction Fees payable by the Students; Award of Scholarships, etc.; Discipline of Students Examinations; Discipline of Students in University Examination; Examiners; Examination Committee Award of Degrees, Diplomas; Cponvocation Classification, Emoluments, Qualifications and Other Terms & Conditions of Service of the Teachers and Other Academic Staff of the University Affiliation & Recognition to Colleges/Institutions; BAR
  • Administrative Matters:
  • 1. Service Conditions (other than Teachers)
  • 2. Conduct of Employees
  • 3. Control and Appeal
  • 4. Leave of Employees (other than Teachers)
  • 5. Travelling Allowance
  • 6. LTC
  • 7. Reimbursement of Medicl Expenses
  • 8. Code of Conduct (Avoidance of Sexual Harassment, etc.)
  • 9. Recruitment Rules (Academic & Administrative Service)